Help:How do I feed data into FactGrid?

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You either create the "Item" you need manually or you use QuickStatements to create hundreds or thousands of items in a single input (with about 2 edits per second)

Creating items one by one

To create a single item go to "New Item" in the menue (left) and fill in the input mask. You need

  • a "label" - that is how your item is known and searched in the basic site search (input fiel right on top)
  • a "description" which will help you to spot your item among others of the same name. If you create a person give * birth and + death dates, at least one place, an occupation or achievement. If your "item" is a document give a brief summary.

You can add "aliasses" if your item shall become known under other name variants as well.

What do I do with conflicting information

Wikibase allows the input of conflicting statements. A person can have two different birth dates. That is not undesirable - quite the contrary, it allows you to represent the wealth of documents which you have processed.

You can, however, bring clarity into the future handling of the specific situation:

  1. If it remains impossible to determine the correct date — make both statements with the respective references. They will now both occur in searches.
  2. If you can decide which of two dates research should continue to use — state both dates but upgrade or downgrade the alternatives by setting the arrows before the respective input fields before saving.
  3. If you can give reasons for your preference — use qualifying statements on each date: Property:P155 "How sure is this" - you can add here a predefined statement from this list or you create an new Item which should be included in this list. Use Property:P73 to set additional free notes on the case.
  4. If the proper answer should be acknowledged as your research upgrarde your choice and downgrade the alternatives (as stated in 2). Use Property:P155 to characterise your knowledge and add a Property:P196 "reasoning" link to a new Item which you now create in order to refer to your personal thesis. Let us say this Q-Number is Q1234567.
  • use Property:P2 in order to mark the new Item as a "FactGrid thesis"
  • state yourself with Property:P21 as the author
  • date your FactGrid thesis with Property:P106
  • set a link to a blank page, which you will open with Property:P99 and the prospective title This will create a page of the respective Q-Number and here will now be free to write a complete article about the problem with your view. Your article can have chapters, it can refer to documents and research done in the field, it can have footnotes and images (format-wise just as any Wikipedia-article). It will be your article on the problem and people can use the article's Discussion page to offer their views on your work.

Creating larger numbers of items in a mass input via QuickStatements

There are YouTube videos available that show how you create inputs with QuickStatements

The tough part is to prepare your data. If you add individual statements you will always get autocomplete suggestions as soon as the database already has the item which you want to refer to. If you run a mass input your data will have to be precise: the Q-numbers, dates in the exact format definitions, geo-coordinates in the input standard (which by the way differs from the SPARQL output!) - all this will cause extra work. You will have a lot to do if you come from an old database which allowed text input as here you will find that cells have been filled in various formats and with additional statements which you have to transfer into separate qualifying statements...

Once you have transformed your data in a table format you can run a QuickStatement (left menue) "Version 1" input by filling big blocks of columns into the input field. Press "Version 1" input. As far your data are machine readable you will get a preview of the upcoming input. Look into it to see whether there are "unknown" fields. These will create error message in the input.

You can also transform your input lines into comma-separated-values, csv data. The csv input is faster but it is also tricky as soon as you have double quotes " within text passages.

The following links give detailed help: