Johann Joachim Christoph Bode, Autobiographical notes for the Order of the Illuminati (Q4497)

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Revision as of 15:20, 5 July 2019 by Christian Wirkner (talk | contribs) (‎Changed [de] description: Biographie Bodes, verfasst in der 3. Person wobei Bode immer wieder in die 1. Person verfällt. Beschreibt Kindheit, Ausbildung, drei Ehen und seine Lebensstationen bis zur Ankunft in Weimar)
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Biography of Bode, written in the 3rd person whereby Bode falls again and again into the 1st person. Describes his childhood, education, three marriages and his life stages until his arrival in Weimar.
  • SK10-160
Language Label Description Also known as
Johann Joachim Christoph Bode, Autobiographical notes for the Order of the Illuminati
Biography of Bode, written in the 3rd person whereby Bode falls again and again into the 1st person. Describes his childhood, education, three marriages and his life stages until his arrival in Weimar.
  • SK10-160
