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Jour fixe

It has been proposed to have a weekly jour fixe on Thursdays 21:30 CET (a time equally (in)convenient to all our teams around the world). FactGrid has an open web channel for such purposes that can be used without further passwords and software downloads. Contact for link details.


Note that the new QuickStatements Version has an annoying security feature implemented on regular user accounts: If you press "Run" you will receive loads of errors after the 90th edit. To avoid this you must use the "Run in background" option.

We hope we can get this obstacle removed, but for the time being we run the platform with Wikidata-settings. --Olaf Simons (talk) 12:24, 13 March 2023 (CET)

Message Board

  • FactGrid:Gymnasium Illustre/ Ernestinum, Gotha Presentation
  • 16 July 2023: New on our blog (in German but you will know how to get it translated): Eckard Rolf's classification of non-literary text types to be used on the "Type of work property" P121: The entire vocabulary is so far a test case of a first structured "controlled" vocabulary. The English, French and Spanish versions of the terms still need to be checked, English is 60% checked, French and Spanish basically machine translated. See for the synopsis.
  • 27 Feb. 2023: Medievalists and Early Modernists: note that you can now set Julian calendar dates with an /J switch at the end of a version 1 date input — 1645-04-15T00:00:00Z/11/J will create a 15 April 1645 Julian calendar date.
  • 14 Nov. 2022: "FactGrid Goes NFDI" some further thoughts on our blog:
  • 5 Nov. 2022: You can now follow us also on Mastodon:
  • 4 Nov. 2022: The 4Memory consortium has been accepted in the NFDI community, FactGrid is a "participant", we are now offering our services officially in Germany's growing National Research Data Infrastructure. More on the blog in due time.
  • 14 Apr. 2022: Für alle die Deutsch sprechen. Um 13:30, CET online, wird Isabella Schwaderer unsere Serie Erfurter Uni Coffee Talks mit einem Vortrag zu ihrem Projekt "Die Mitglieder der Schopenhauergesellschaft" eröffnen. Das Link dazu sende ich zu auf Anfrage unter Hier mehr:
  • 1 Apr. 2022: Blog post with an idea of a Visual Editor for SPARQL Queries auf Deutsch and in English.
  • 16 Feb. 2022: A Session with Josep Formenti (recording here) gave an online demonstration of what it takes to create a docker image Wikibase and how you run API mass inputs into this (or any other Wikibase) installation.
  • 4 Feb. 2022: New on our blog "How to map itineraries on FactGrid — and Robinson Crusoe’s eight voyages"


to the FactGrid database, a project of the Gotha Research Centre operated by the data lab of the University of Erfurt. With the support of Wikimedia Germany we are using a MediaWiki with Wikidata's “wikibase” extension. Our main product are data which we collect on “items” such as these:

You will need to be logged in to see the “add statement” link with which you can add information in the form of triple based machine readable claims — which everyone can now explore with the SPARQL data mining language, at our Query Service. All FactGrid data are CC0-licensed. You can download any search in various data formats with the aim to explore FactGrid data in other software environments or visualise searches with various tools on our site.

Visit our

The FactGrid database is an open collaborative and multilingual project organised by — as of January 2024 — 382 participants / by language / by gender from all over the world. If you are looking for a site to present research data and keep them in the process of further research — the FactGrid database might be a cool candidate. For more information and account details contact:

      Dr. Olaf Simons
      Gotha Research Centre at the University of Erfurt
      Schloßberg 2
      99867 Gotha
      office: +49-361-737-1722
      mobile: +49-179-5196880


Forschungszentrum Gotha Logo.jpg Wikimediadeutschland-logo.png DNB.svg Logo-ihmc-paysage-couleur-h30mm.png Bancroft Library Logo.jpg Logo de la Fundación Ignacio Larramendi.jpg Ub marca pos rgb (1).png Logo UPF.jpg Uni-Jena-logo.svg NFDI4Memory logo.jpg Double seal University of Halle-Wittenberg.svg
