subclass of (P3)

From FactGrid
Revision as of 19:52, 9 April 2020 by Ádám Harangozó (talk | contribs) (‎Added [hu] description: ha az elem egy különálló tárgy, amelyet saját nevén kell kezelni, használd a P2-t, hogy megadd, mi ez. ha ez egy osztály, amelyet inkább definiálni lehet, mint megnevezni, használd a P3-at, hogy megadd a...)
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if the item is a single object to be handled under an individual name use P2 to state what it is. If it is a class to be defined rather than named use P3 to state the next larger classes in which it is contained.
Language Label Description Also known as
subclass of
if the item is a single object to be handled under an individual name use P2 to state what it is. If it is a class to be defined rather than named use P3 to state the next larger classes in which it is contained.

    Data type

