begin date (P49)

From FactGrid
Revision as of 22:30, 9 December 2019 by Bruno Belhoste (talk | contribs) (‎Changed [fr] description: marque le début dans le temps; par exemple pour un évènement de plus longue durée; également utilisé comme qualificatif, par ex. pour le commencement d'un mariage. Par opposition P50 marque la fin)
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To mark a start in time, e.g. of a longer event; also as a qualifier e.g. for the beginning of a marriage. Counterpart: P50 end.
Language Label Description Also known as
begin date
To mark a start in time, e.g. of a longer event; also as a qualifier e.g. for the beginning of a marriage. Counterpart: P50 end.

    Data type

    Point in time
