User talk:Martin Schibel

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Experiences with "EntiTree"

How to use

The search field allows the input of Q-numbers and of Item Labels. If their are several Qs under the same label you will get the full selection with the descriptions to pick the right one.

The display's language can be changed at settings. The search can be defined through the pull down menu at the end of the input box - you will get here a selection of all the properties available on the item, which is quite cool as it offers you the opportunity to look at all kinds of genealogies, or, to be more precise, to look at all kinds of relations in a genealogical display.

Family pedigrees

The optimal search comes with the personal name and the "child(ren)" selection. You start with a display like this one for Friedrich Wilhelm Jacobs (Q97935) and you use the ˄ and ˅ signs to expand into the past or towards the present until there are no further options given. This will be the final result in our case (as of Oct 6 2021): this pedigree The links are uniform, you can create the standard start with any link like - the link ends with the Q-nummber.

The program allows you to grab the entire image which you have created for your purpose with the link (use tinyurl if you need a shorter link).

Adding dimensions

Stammbaum Ettinger/Jacobs

The case of Friedrich Wilhelm Jacobs (Q97935) is interesting as we can compare it with a hand made construct that was designed to show a particular network - here of two families in the publishing business.

The option to show all children is nice in the two standard visualisation of pedigrees - into the past, where each generation will ideally double the last with both parents added to the entire last line, but it does not allow to create particular networks, e.g. with a look at spouses and their relatives.

One would love to be able to add wifes/husbands wherever one feels like it and one would love to be able to expand into the past and future on every person (where the information is available). Right now your presentation is deleted if you want to add options in the pull down menue. --Olaf Simons (talk) 17:50, 6 October 2021 (CEST)