Report: Congregation of the Minerval Church Gotha, Magistrate, 1784-11-29 (Q9581)

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Assembly of the Minerval Church of Gotha, Magistrate's Assembly: Soon Hans Ulrich von Gadows (St. Evremont) will be admitted, to the connection of the Gotha Freemasonry Lodge to the Frankfurt Provincial Lodge.
  • SK15-052
Language Label Description Also known as
Report: Congregation of the Minerval Church Gotha, Magistrate, 1784-11-29
Assembly of the Minerval Church of Gotha, Magistrate's Assembly: Soon Hans Ulrich von Gadows (St. Evremont) will be admitted, to the connection of the Gotha Freemasonry Lodge to the Frankfurt Provincial Lodge.
  • SK15-052


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29 November 1784Gregorian
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Versammlung der Minervalkirche Gotha, Magistratsversammlung: Baldige Aufnahme Hans Ulrich von Gadows (St. Evremont), zum Anschluss der Gothaer Freimaurerei -Loge an die Frankfurter Provinzialloge. (German)
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