FactGrid talk:Samsonschule Wolfenbuettel

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TO DO for Data Upload

  • 1rst batch includes: Lde,Len,Lfr,Les,Dde,Den,P2,P83,P154,P172,P131,P160 - DONE
  • 2nd batch includes: given names in position 1,2,3
  • 3rd batch includes: last names
  • 4th batch includes: birthplaces
  • 5th batch includes: birth dates
  • 6th batch includes: school with start and end time
  • 7th batch includes: source linking

  • matching within FactGrid, especially Jewish Saxony-Anhalt project
  • matching with Family Database Juden im Deutschen Reich
  • connect people from Saxony-Anhalt with research project abt it