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7 September 2024

      21:45  DP camp Mittenwald (Q978856)‎‎ 5 changes history +1,871 [Anne Purschwitz‎ (5×)]
21:45 (cur | prev) +424 Anne Purschwitz talk contribs (‎Created claim: Place of address (P83): Mittenwald (Q88794))
21:44 (cur | prev) +512 Anne Purschwitz talk contribs (‎Created claim: End date (P50): 1951)
21:44 (cur | prev) +512 Anne Purschwitz talk contribs (‎Created claim: Begin date (P49): 1945)
21:44 (cur | prev) −205 Anne Purschwitz talk contribs (‎Changed claim: Online information (P146):
21:41 (cur | prev) +628 Anne Purschwitz talk contribs (‎Created claim: Online information (P146):
 N    21:44  Freikorps Oberland / Bund Oberland (Q992958)‎‎ 18 changes history +5,235 [Olaf Simons‎ (18×)]
21:44 (cur | prev) +394 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Changed claim: Instance of (P2): Eingetragener Verein (e.V.) (Q266834))
21:44 (cur | prev) +513 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Created claim: End date (P50): December 1923)
21:42 (cur | prev) +857 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Created claim: Instance of (P2): Eingetragener Verein (e.V.) (Q266834))
21:42 (cur | prev) +394 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Changed claim: Instance of (P2): Freikorps (Q220812))
21:42 (cur | prev) +448 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Changed claim: Instance of (P2): Freikorps (Q220812))
21:41 (cur | prev) +513 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Created claim: Begin date (P49): April 1919)
21:40 (cur | prev) +102 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added link to [wikidatawiki]: Q348150)
21:40 (cur | prev) +424 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Created claim: Instance of (P2): Freikorps (Q220812))
21:40 (cur | prev) +238 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added [es] description: Cuerpo de voluntarios junto al Reichswehr Negro, del que surgió el Bund Oberland, de cuyos miembros se reclutó el núcleo de la Sturmabteilung (SA) en Baviera a partir de 1921.)
21:40 (cur | prev) +252 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added [fr] description: Corps de volontaires aux côtés de la Reichswehr noire, dont est issu le Bund Oberland, parmi les membres duquel fut recruté le noyau de la Sturmabteilung (SA) en Bavière à partir de 1921.)
21:40 (cur | prev) +233 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: Volunteer corps alongside the Black Reichswehr, from which the Oberland League emerged, whose members formed the core of the Sturmabteilung (SA) in Bavaria from 1921 onwards)
21:40 (cur | prev) +238 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added [de] description: Freiwilligenkorps neben der Schwarzen Reichswehr, aus dem der Bund Oberland hervorging, aus dessen Mitgliedern sich ab 1921 der Kern der Sturmabteilung (SA) in Bayern rekrutierte)
21:40 (cur | prev) +93 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added [es] label: Freikorps Oberland / Bund Oberland)
21:40 (cur | prev) +93 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added [fr] label: Freikorps Oberland / Bund Oberland)
21:40 (cur | prev) +93 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: Freikorps Oberland / Bund Oberland)
21:40 (cur | prev) +21 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Changed [de] label: Freikorps Oberland / Bund Oberland)
21:35 (cur | prev) +100 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added link to [dewiki]: Freikorps Oberland)
21:35 (cur | prev) +229 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Created a new Item: Bund Oberland)
      21:38  Wilhelm Harster (Q971894)‎‎ 3 changes history +1,283 [Olaf Simons‎ (3×)]
21:38 (cur | prev) +447 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Changed claim: Member of (P91): Freikorps Oberland / Bund Oberland (Q992958))
21:37 (cur | prev) +410 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Created claim: Member of (P91): Freikorps Oberland / Bund Oberland (Q992958))
21:32 (cur | prev) +426 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Created claim: Place of death (P168): Munich (Q10427))
      21:36  Frohnleiten transit camp (Q978854)‎‎ 2 changes history +562 [Anne Purschwitz‎ (2×)]
21:36 (cur | prev) +139 Anne Purschwitz talk contribs (‎Added [de] alias: Volksdeutsche Mittel Umsiedlung Gau Steiermark Lager 16-17 Frohnleiten)
21:35 (cur | prev) +423 Anne Purschwitz talk contribs (‎Created claim: Online information (P146):
      21:31  Fossoli police transit camp (Q978783) diffhist +860 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Created claim: (Inter-)national responsibility (P1179): Italian Social Republic (RSI) (Q992957))
      21:31  Italian Social Republic (RSI) (Q992957)‎‎ 19 changes history +4,256 [Olaf Simons‎ (19×)]
21:31 (cur | prev) +513 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Created claim: Begin date (P49): 23 September 1943)
21:30 (cur | prev) +6 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Changed [es] label: República Social Italiana (RSI))
21:29 (cur | prev) +225 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added [en] aliases: Repubblica di Salò, Repubblica Sociale Italiana, RSI)
21:29 (cur | prev) +143 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added [de] aliases: RSI, Republik von Salò)
21:29 (cur | prev) +150 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added [es] description: estado títere fascista en el norte de Italia bajo la protección militar del Reich alemán)
21:29 (cur | prev) +151 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added [fr] description: état fantoche fasciste du nord de l’Italie sous la protection militaire du Reich allemand)
21:29 (cur | prev) +147 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added [en] description: fascist puppet state in northern Italy under the military protection of the German Reich)
21:29 (cur | prev) +49 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Changed [de] description: faschistischer Marionettenstaat in Norditalien unter der militärischen Protektion des Deutschen Reichs)
21:29 (cur | prev) +85 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added [es] label: República Social Italiana)
21:29 (cur | prev) +94 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added [fr] label: République sociale italienne (RSI))
21:29 (cur | prev) +88 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added [en] label: Italian Social Republic (RSI))
21:27 (cur | prev) +102 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added link to [wikidatawiki]: Q153660)
21:27 (cur | prev) 0 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Changed claim: End date (P50): 25 April 1945)
21:24 (cur | prev) +513 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Created claim: End date (P50): 2 May 1945)
21:23 (cur | prev) +374 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Created claim: Wikimedia map location (P979): Italian Social Republic Map 1942.svg)
21:22 (cur | prev) +356 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Created claim: Coat of arms (P725): CoA_of_the_RSI.svg)
21:22 (cur | prev) +424 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Created claim: Continuation of (P6): Kingdom of Italy (Q877966))
21:21 (cur | prev) +727 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Created claim: Instance of (P2): Souvereign state (Q94416))
21:17 (cur | prev) +109 Olaf Simons talk contribs (‎Added link to [dewiki]: Italienische Sozialrepublik)
      21:17  Prisoners of war (Q952256)‎‎ 2 changes history +187 [Bruno Belhoste‎ (2×)]
21:17 (cur | prev) +107 Bruno Belhoste talk contribs (‎Added [fr] description: prisonniers des parties belligérantes opposées)
21:17 (cur | prev) +80 Bruno Belhoste talk contribs (‎Added [fr] label: Prisonniers de guerre)