FactGrid:Eigenschaften-Verzeichnis: Difference between revisions

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(Redirected page to FactGrid:Property-Verzeichnis)
(112 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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<p align="right">[[Properties|English Version]] [[File:Flag of the United Kingdom.svg|25px]]</p>
#redirect [[FactGrid:Property-Verzeichnis]]
...ist noch nicht vollständig aus dem Englischen übersetzt und müssten aus [[FactGrid talk:Eigenschaften-Verzeichnis|dieser Liste]] übertragen werden.
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== Generelle Aussagen ==
* ist ein(e) ([[Property:P2]])
* Unterklasse von ([[Property:P3]])
* ist Teil von ([[Property:P8]])
* besteht aus ([[Property:P9]])
* Schreibweise hier ([[Property:P35]])
* Datensatzverdruss ([[Property:P17]])
* Notiz ([[Property:P73]])
* Indiz, dass Gegenstand existierte ([[Property:P52]])
* Forschungsfeld ([[Property:P97]]) Nutzen um eine spätere Suche nach Projekt-Interessen zu ermöglichen
* Position (in Abfolge) ([[Property:P101]])
* Entschiedenheit ([[Property:P155]]) a qualifier to state the statements certainty.
* Lizenzierung ([[Property:P180]])
* Abbildung ([[Property:P181]]) a Wikimedia Commons media file
* online Information ([[Property:P146]])
=== FactGrid interne Aussagen ===
* passende FactGrid-Objekt ([[Property:P183]])
* kombinierbare FactGrid-Eigenschaften ([[Property:P184]])
=== linked open data ===
* GND ([[Property:P76]])
* PPN link, GBV (Gemeinsamer Verbundkatalog) ([[Property:P157]])
* formatter URL ([[Property:P236]]) Platzhalter für wiederholte URL-Anfänge (erlaubt es, etwa nur die GND Nummer zu nennen, doch diese als Link in den Datensatz zu betätigen)
| valign="top"|
== Daten ==
* Datum/ Datierung ([[Property:P106]])
* Datum in seiner unklaren Nennung ([[Property:P112]])
* von/seit ([[Property:P49]])
* bis ([[Property:P50]])
* Berichtbeginn ([[Property:P45]])
* Berichtsende ([[Property:P46]])
* frühestes mögliches Datum ([[Property:P41]]), terminus post quem
* spätestes mögliches Datum ([[Property:P43]])
* Geburtsdatum ([[Property:P77]])
* Taufdatum ([[Property:P37]])
* Datum Konfirmation ([[Property:P182]])
* Datum des Testaments ([[Property:P214]])
* Todesdatum ([[Property:P38]])
* Datum der Beerdigung ([[Property:P40]])
* Beginn der Abfassung ([[Property:P39]])
* Eingangsdatum ([[Property:P44]])
* Datum der Publikation laut Imprint ([[Property:P222]])
* exaktes Publikationsdatum ([[Property:P96]]) zu nutzen, wenn Datum vom Imprint abweicht, oder  sich Tage, Woche oder Buchmesse ermitteln lassen
| valign="top"|
== Namen ==
* ist der Geburtsname von ([[Property:P147]])
* Pseudonym genutzt von ([[Property:P193]])
* Illuminaten-Ordensname von ([[Property:P139]])
* in der Strikten Observanz der Deckname von ([[Property:P148]])
* i.e. entschlüsselt  ([[Property:P110]]) für beliebige Textpassagen, die entschlüsselt einen anderen Wert ergeben. Kombinierbar auch mit Q11172: "im FactGrid bislang nicht aufgelöst"
:* Schlüssel, nach dem aufzulösen ist ([[Property:P113]]) kann etwa auf die Q-Nummer eines gedrückten oder aktenkundigen Schlüssels verweisen.
:* Identifikationsstützen ([[Property:P118]]) um auf Dokumente und Argumente zu verweisen, die die Aufschlüsselung nahelegen
*  Mögliche Identifikation ([[Property:P120]]) um Mutmaßungen auszuzeichnen
* alphabetische Sortierung ([[Property:P249]]) etwa bei Adelsnamen zu verwenden, um auf den Namensteil zu verweisen, nach dem sortiert wird
| valign="top"|
== Documente und Publikationen ==
* Titelseite transkribiert ([[Property:P5]])
* Textanfang, Transkript ([[Property:P70]])
* ist Teil von ([[Property:P8]]) ein Dokument ist Teil einer Akte, diese ist Teil eines Archivbestands
:* Seite(n) ([[Property:P54]]) nenne Seite von/bis auf der sich das Dokument in der Akte findet
:* Bl. ([[Property:P100]]) nenne Bl. von/bis des Dokuments in der Akte
:* Artikel ([[Property:P98]]) nenne den Artikel, der in einer Enzyklopädie die Information bietet
:* Position (in Abfolge) ([[Property:P101]]) nenne die Nummer, wenn Dokumente in einer Akte nummeriert sind
:* Fußnote ([[Property:P102]]) nenne die Fußnote, in der sich die Information findet
:* Abschnitt ([[Property:P103]]) nenne den Abschnitt, etwa §, in dem sich die Information findet
:* Anhang ([[Property:P104]]) nenne den Anhang, in dem sich die Information findet
:* Band ([[Property:P105]]) nenne den Band im zitierten Werk
* Datum ([[Property:P106]])
* Umfang in Seiten ([[Property:P107]])
* Umfang in Bögen ([[Property:P108]])
* Absendeort ([[Property:P95]]) von dem etwa ein Brief gesendet wird
* place as (strangely]]) stated ([[Property:P111]]) if a place is referred to under a code name or in a misleading imprint
* genre as stated ([[Property:P4]])
* genre (standardised]]) ([[Property:P121]])
* wider field of genres ([[Property:P122]])
* continuation of ([[Property:P6]])
* continued by ([[Property:P7]])
* Signatur ([[Property:P10]]) Beispiel: [[Item:Q6641]]
* Alte Signatur ([[Property:P30]])
* title ([[Property:P11]])
* media type ([[Property:P15]])
* copy of ([[Property:P16]]) state the text that has been copied
* copy of this ([[Property:P252]]) refer to an existing copy
* parallel tradition ([[Property:P253]]) if you have two copies of a lost document
* language ([[Property:P18]])
* topic ([[Property:P243]])
* reported event ([[Property:P19]])
* author as (misleadingly]]) stated ([[Property:P20]])
* author ([[Property:P21]])
* prepared by ([[Property:P22]])
* translated by ([[Property:P24]])
* handwritten by ([[Property:P25]])
* actually addressed to ([[Property:P27]])
* recipient 1 ([[Property:P28]])
* recipient 2 ([[Property:P128]])
* recipient 3 ([[Property:P129]])
* recipient's place ([[Property:P29]])
* institution addressed ([[Property:P130]])
* persons mentioned ([[Property:P33]])
* begin of composition ([[Property:P39]])
* date of receipt ([[Property:P44]])
* begin of events reported ([[Property:P45]])
* end of events reported ([[Property:P46]])
* location ([[Property:P47]]) where is this document now?
:* archival collection ([[Property:P123]])
:* catalogue entry to the item ([[Property:P124]])
:* accessibility ([[Property:P125]])
:* owner ([[Property:P126]])
:* status of possesion ([[Property:P127]])
* Akten gebende Stelle ([[Property:P229]])
* Provenienzgeschichte ([[Property:P136]])
* online digitization ([[Property:P138]])
:* scan (not public)) ([[Property:P55]]) use this to organise non public digitizations in a research project
* published in ([[Property:P64]])
* answer on ([[Property:P65]])
* institution signing responsible ([[Property:P66]])
* financed by ([[Property:P67]])
* online transcript ([[Property:P69]])
* translation into German ([[Property:P71]])
* translation into English ([[Property:P223]])
* digest in German ([[Property:P72]])
* digest in English ([[Property:P75]])
* format ([[Property:P93]])
* height ([[Property:P59]])
* width ([[Property:P60]])
* depth, thickness ([[Property:P61]])
* translation of ([[Property:P63]])
* date as strangely stated ([[Property:P112]])
* originality of document ([[Property:P115]])
* the original to this ([[Property:P114]])
* referring to ([[Property:P116]])
* transmitted by ([[Property:P134]])
* reviewed ([[Property:P135]])
* preservation ([[Property:P158]])
* collected by ([[Property:P159]])
* extract ([[Property:P204]])
* answer ([[Property:P205]])
* published by ([[Property:P206]])
* printed by ([[Property:P207]])
* extract ([[Property:P204]]) refer to an extract of a document if that exists
* answer ([[Property:P205]])
* previous version ([[Property:P218]])
* next version ([[Property:P219]])
* FactGrid transcript ([[Property:P251]]) set link to the page of the transcript (choose the Q-Number as page name as here [[Q22976]]
=== Eingehender zu Publikationen ===
* form of publication ([[Property:P144]])
* topic ([[Property:P243]])
* edited by ([[Property:P176]])
* collaborator ([[Property:P178]])
* preface by ([[Property:P179]])
* published by ([[Property:P206]])
* printed by ([[Property:P207]])
* place of publication ([[Property:P240]])
* place of publication according to imprint ([[Property:P241]])
* date of publication ([[Property:P222]]) for the imprint statement
* precise date of publication ([[Property:P96]]) use this if you know the exact day, week, or month of the publication
* presentation event ([[Property:P237]]) refer to a conference where a presentation was given
* publishes ([[Property:P254]]) state documents published in a book
* GND identifier ([[Property:P76]])
* PPN link, GBV (Common Library Network]]) book search ([[Property:P157]])
=== Stemma-Informationen ===
* preceding in stemma ([[Property:P233]])
:* connection in stemma ([[Property:P234]])
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== Menschen ==
=== Grunddaten ===
* gender ([[Property:P154]])
* date of birth ([[Property:P77]])
* place of birth ([[Property:P82]])
* date of baptism ([[Property:P37]])
* place of baptism ([[Property:P169]])
* date of confirmation ([[Property:P182]])
* date of last will ([[Property:P214]])
* date of death ([[Property:P38]])
* cause of death ([[Property:P162]])
* place of death ([[Property:P168]])
* date of burial ([[Property:P40]])
* grave ([[Property:P79]])
* medical conditions ([[Property:P186]])
=== Geographischer Nachvollzug ===
* place of residence ([[Property:P83]]) use this to state a place name like "Gotha"
* address ([[Property:P208]]) for the specific location like "Gotha, Hauptmarkt 15"
=== Informationen zum Namen ===
* family name ([[Property:P247]])
* given name(s) ([[Property:P248]])
:* name variant ([[Property:P53]])
:* place in sequence ([[Property:P101]]) use this property to state the given names in their sequence
* nick name/ name used ([[Property:P56]])
* suffix to family name ([[Property:P74]]) to state a component of a personal name or family name like Alfred "the Great", or "genannt..."
* Illuminati code name ([[Property:P140]])
* aristocratic title (standardised) ([[Property:P26]])
* aristocratic tenures ([[Property:P215]])
=== Genealogische Informationen ===
* father ([[Property:P141]])
* biological father ([[Property:P228]])
* mother ([[Property:P142]])
* godparent(s) ([[Property:P227]])
* married to ([[Property:P84]])
:* place of marriage ([[Property:P132]]) qualifier to the previous
* children ([[Property:P150]])
* number of children ([[Property:P200]])
* number of female children ([[Property:P201]])
* number of male children ([[Property:P202]])
* sibling(s) ([[Property:P203]])
=== Weitere Statements zu Beziehungen ===
* non-married partner ([[Property:P117]])
* mistress ([[Property:P217]])
* affair ([[Property:P230]])
* met with ([[Property:P231]])
* friends with ([[Property:P192]])
* unhappily loved by ([[Property:P245]])
* loved unhappily ([[Property:P246]])
* acquainted with ([[Property:P221]])
=== besitzt... ===
* possessions ([[Property:P175]])
* business partner in ([[Property:P149]]) state the company
=== Grade und Titel ===
* degree (non academic) ([[Property:P165]])
* academic degree ([[Property:P170]])
* honorary title ([[Property:P171]])
=== Karriere ===
* education ([[Property:P160]])
:* teacher ([[Property:P161]])
* employment ([[Property:P164]])
:* position ([[Property:P166]])
:* project ([[Property:P177]])
:* student(s) ([[Property:P190]]), state students of a teacher or professor
* imprisonment ([[Property:P216]])
* events witnessed ([[Property:P242]]) list events the person has been at
* active role at/in ([[Property:P119]]) state event
:* position ([[Property:P166]])
=== Mitgliedschaften ===
* religion ([[Property:P172]])
* member of ([[Property:P91]])
:* lodge ([[Property:P92]])
=== Arbeit ===
* cosignatory/ contributor to ([[Property:P167]])
* published work ([[Property:P174]])
* documents by ([[Property:P185]])
* misleading attributions ([[Property:P235]]) list here works that have been misleadingly attributed to the item-holder
* autobiography ([[Property:P244]])
=== Generelles ===
* Dokumentiert in ([[Property:P51]])
* Erwähnt in ([[Property:P143]])
* Online Information ([[Property:P146]])
* portrait online ([[Property:P188]])
* Portrait auf Wikimedia Commons ([[Property:P189]])
* GND Nummer ([[Property:P76]])
* Deutsche Biographie ([[Property:P250]])
* Biographische Notiz ([[Property:P173]]) Textfeld
=== Online Präsenzen ===
* Web Präsenz ([[Property:P156]])
* FactGrid Benutzerseite ([[Property:P163]])
* Twitter Präsenz ([[Property:P255]])
| valign="top"|
== Organisationen ==
* web presence ([[Property:P156]])
* address ([[Property:P208]])
* naming ([[Property:P57]]) give a history of names the organisation/company had
* lead by ([[Property:P14]])
* institution signing responsible ([[Property:P66]])
* financed by ([[Property:P67]])
* joint partners of this company ([[Property:P191]])
* generalissimo ([[Property:P210]])
* admiralissimo ([[Property:P211]])
* general treasurer ([[Property:P212]])
* grand seneschal ([[Property:P213]])
* secretary ([[Property:P220]])
* collaborator(s) ([[Property:P178]])
| valign="top"|
== Ereignisse ==
* event minutes ([[Property:P94]])
* Ablauf ([[Property:P224]]) - für die [[Item:Q34942|Tagesordnungspunkte/ Geschehnisse]] einer Sitzung
* happened during ([[Property:P225]]) - state [[Item:Q9|event]] of [[Item:Q34942|individual incident]]
* lead by ([[Property:P14]]) - for sessions, conferences etc.
* participant(s) ([[Property:P133]])
* people present ([[Property:P32]]) for the audience
* begin date ([[Property:P49]])
* end date ([[Property:P50]])
* documented ([[Property:P51]])
* naming ([[Property:P57]]) give a history of names the event was referred to
* institution signing responsible ([[Property:P66]])
* financed by ([[Property:P67]])
* history ([[Property:P137]])
* web presence ([[Property:P156]])
* history ([[Property:P137]]) to split one bigger event into several chapters
| valign="top"|
== Orte ==
* geographic coordinates ([[Property:P48]])
* name variant ([[Property:P53]])
* naming ([[Property:P57]]) give a history of names the event was referred to
* web presence ([[Property:P156]])
* meeting place of ([[Property:P209]])
* house number/name ([[Property:P152]])
* street/place ([[Property:P153]])
* resident ([[Property:P239]])
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== Im FactGrid Forschung ausweisen ==
=== sich auf eine Publikation beziehen ===
* online information ([[Property:P146]])
* literature on this ([[Property:P12]])
:* page(s) ([[Property:P54]]) for the specific page reference
:* article ([[Property:P98]]) specify the article of an encyclopedia that has the information
:* footnote ([[Property:P102]]) to refer to a specific footnote that has the information
:* section ([[Property:P103]]) to refer to a specific section or numbered paragraph that has the information
:* annex ([[Property:P104]]) to refer to (a part of the) annex
=== Datensätze einer Teamarbeit oder eigener Forschung zuordnen ===
* this FactGrid data set includes research by ([[Property:P131]]) refer here to the item you use to summarise your research
:* financed by ([[Property:P67]])
:* project supervisor ([[Property:P145]])
:* publications stemming from this research ([[Property:P151]])
:* presentations stemming from this research ([[Property:P238]])
::* presentation event ([[Property:P237]])
:* web presence ([[Property:P156]])
=== Eine FactGrid Mikro-Publikation aufmachen ===
* thesis ([[Property:P99]])
* solidity of this thesis ([[Property:P194]])
* reasoning ([[Property:P195]])
* statement of grounds ([[Property:P196]])
== Diskussion zur Eröffnung neuer Eigenschaften ==
* [[Property Debate]]

Latest revision as of 08:58, 8 April 2020