FactGrid:SPARQL Lab

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This is where we are - a SPARQL search of (Illuminati) docments sent from where - but lacking all the directions of these corresondences

The following SPARQL-applications would be extremely cool to have (and might deserve web interfaces to address regular historians and normal people on Wikidata and here).

Visualise correspondences on maps

The input is a time segment and a selection of names to explore, or a specified research interest. (Property:P97 is designed for such searches).

You enter the names or/and the research interest and SPARQL looks at correspondences: Property:P122+Q11243.

One would like to see who is writing to whom from where to where. Stanford created the first of these visualisations in the Republic of letters project and Nodegoat is loved by historians for the service: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLDRNiJrRUc

You can set a time segment (like 10 years) and shift that window through time (like from 1500 to 1900) to see how certain correspondences developed centres and to understand the flow of information. We did not even find out how to draw lines between correspondents (let alone how to visualise developments).


Screenshot of the Illuminati Correspondence visualised

Paul-Olivier Dehaye showed how this could be done - see illuminati.html

...one would love to have an interface for this, so that one can run different searches and revise visualisations on the database (more thoughs about it in the blog post The Illuminati Correspondence Fast Forward). --Olaf Simons (talk) 10:06, 25 September 2019 (CEST)

The Illuminati correspondence static view

Create Stemmata

Ernst Howald and Henry E. Sigerist. Antonii Musa De herba vettonica ... Leipzig 1927

We created two properties for this: Property:P233 names the object - a book edition, a manuscript or any other thing that is genetically earlier. Property:P234 comes as the qualifier and offers a statement on what basis the object can be seen as a following. You might for instance link a translation to the edition that gave the original text.

The organisation is top down chronological (the guide lines in the picture above are not that beautiful, but dates on y-axis would be cool).

Objects can have multiple connections to earlier Items (a medieval scribe could use two books to create a new version of the text).

It would be cool if the P234 information became available - maybe on mouseover or through different colours to state how things are connected (like just a copy, a translation, an abridgment).

A solution (but then why so few answers)?

Why so few: it is a test so far. I did not want to create a data model that will not do the job. Now I see it can do the job. The descriptions appear where they should appear. The Problem is that we will need the dates in the system to get genealogies rather than networks. One thing that needs to be known: how do we isolate a stemma. We should be able to ask just for one work and its relationship to prior and later works. The time dimension will be a huge problem if we use the network graph as it is. But still: this is something like green light that we can use the two properties for a future query that will actually do the job. The query would be cool because it would facilitate such work tremendously. --Olaf Simons (talk) 23:01, 8 September 2019 (CEST)

Visualise overlapping organisations

The Illuminati infiltrated Germany's landscape of masonic lodges. The Order lasted for about 10 years, but the members lived on in various organisations: lodges, student fraternities etc.

We have about 3000 of late 18th century people stated with affiliations Property:P91. It would be interesting to see which organisations shared members and which excluded each other - and it would be interesting to see how these configurations changed over time.

One think of Venn diagrams, overlapping circles of different sizes reflecting the respective numbers of members.

Visualise genealogical information

We have an increasing pool of genealogical information as in the case o Gotha's pastors - mapped over 500 years we can see how the pastorate was a business of families - we have not yet found out how display such information.

Here I believe, it could be useful to increase exactly this pool locally by the well documented teachers and students of Gotha's Latin School... Perhaps starting with a test period of ca. three generations in the 18th century. Quite a few of them had to work as teachers before they got a church, and all of them went to one of the few schools and Jena University was the one in this field...--Martin Gollasch (talk) 22:49, 7 September 2019 (CEST)
