Help:How do I organise a bigger research project with a wider team on FactGrid?

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The extreme transparency of Wikibase instances makes them extremely attractive platforms to organise teams. There is a lot to learn from Wikipedia projects in this field.

Open your own project space on FactGrid

Wiki installations have various separately searchable namespaces. In the project namespace (all pages that start with "FactGrid:") you should set up your own project space where you can

  • present your project in more detail
  • list and link the project staff (the links will it make easy to communicate faster with team members)
  • offer exemplary database queries
  • set links to informative subpages of your project

Each page has a discussion page, on which you can clarify problems and find solutions to problems under ever new headlines.

When coordinating a team it is practical to use the project pages for information that needs to be considered throughout the project, but to address team members directly on their discussion pages to define individual work, since changes on their user pages reach them with notifications on the platform.

Get your own administrative account so that you can create accounts for your team members

If you want to coordinate a larger project, let us give you an administrative account with which you can open user accounts in a team.

The create account menu is hidden in the "Special pages" section in the left hand menue.

There are conventions we would like to see observed in account names:

  • All user accounts are all personal name accounts, this also applies to student assistants who “only” enter data. (Do not open a project account or an account for your department. State functions and positions of the participants on their pages.)
  • The user name is given as the respective user would stated in an academic publication, i.e. with first name (blank) last name and initial capital letters. If people would add initials or middle names in their publications, that is how their names should also appear here: "John Smith" or "John M. Smith" or "John Martin Smith"
  • Create and link a data record to every new user account which you are creating so that we can use the database to organise the accounts. See your own user page for a model.
  • Enter contact information on the user pages you are creating. You may use your university department's mail address for contact information if you do not want to give private addresses.
  • See this sample for a user account of a student assistant for a model.
  • Do not hesitate to use your institution's logos on your project pages.

Generate a FactGrid research item for your project

The FactGrid Research Item is used to bundle data records on which your project has been working and to make them citable as project results. More detailed instructions can be found here.

Your team members should ensure that all the research items they work on get the item link.

Organise Watchlists in your team

Make sure that you and your team members have create "Watchlits" to stay informed of all the team work. Look here for help on how this is done.

On working days, check the changes on your Watchlist in oder to see hat is discussed in your project.

Database objects which are of greater importance to you, can be put on the same Watchlists. In Wikipedia projects will plann how to monitor all the pages they are interested in to prevent vandalism or deteriorations — Wikipedia is, however, in a delicate position here as anonymous users can change pages without a risk of further internal consequences.

Take the opportunity to share information with colleagues

All data records in the FactGrid can be changed by all registered users of the platform. So far this has been an extremely fruitful openness. Colleagues closed gaps in knowledge and gave sources where information was missing.

Act freely and collegially here. Correct information where you find errors without further asking. Look for an exchange where this becomes exciting. Changes by colleagues are generally interesting and fruitful, which does not mean that colleagues will not make mistakes. Take any such mistakes as an idicator of work that needs to be done. "Revert" the unwelcome edit without further formalities, an try to substantiate your information so that you superior knowledge on this is available from now onwards.