contributor (P511): Difference between revisions

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(‎Changed [de] description: für die untergeeordnete Rolle im Produktionsprozess eines Werkes. Die Art des Beitrags (z.B. Einleitung zu einem Buch) mit P533 anfügen)
(‎Changed [en] description: for a subordinate role in the production of the item, qualify the specific contribution (e.g. preface to a book) with P553)
description / endescription / en
for a subordinate role in the production of the item, qualify with
for a subordinate role in the production of the item, qualify the specific contribution (e.g. preface to a book) with P553

Revision as of 18:02, 25 February 2021

for a subordinate role in the production of the item, qualify the specific contribution (e.g. preface to a book) with P553
  • with the participation of
Language Label Description Also known as
for a subordinate role in the production of the item, qualify the specific contribution (e.g. preface to a book) with P553
  • with the participation of

Data type

