FactGrid:Concentration and internment camps of the Second World War in the larger context
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- Historisches Datenzentrum Sachsen-Anhalt: Anne Purschwitz, Olaf Simons
- Arolsen Archives: Ramona Bräu-Herget, Alexander Wellhäuser, Sonja Nilson, Mareike Hennies
- AUXNET: Maximilian Kalus
- KZ-Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg: Michael Kempf, Timo Saalmann
- KZ-Gedenkstätte Dachau: Andre Scharf, Esther Lindenlauf
- TIB Hannover: Lisa Groh-Trautmann
Projects involved
- Item:Q979697 Concentration and internment camps of the Second World War in the larger context (this page)
- Item:Q1061045 NS-Täter-Datenbank
- Item:Q780607 Lisa Groh-Trautmann, Gestapo.Terror.Orte in Niedersachsen 1933–1945
What we are trying to offer
- A geo-referenced data set of all camps that were run by the different nations in World War II - with a broader perspective of the preceding developments
- A camp typology (see en.wp)
- Authority control data for the set
- Incorporation of the list into the GND as part of the GND agency at the University of Halle
First queries
- All camps
- Types of camps (P2)
- National responsibilities (P1179)
- Persecution: target groups (P573)
- The 24 German IKL concentration camps / Table
- Design aspects (like crematorium)
- Exemplary tracking of the career of Ludwig Plagge, with assignments in several concentration camps
Table data
- The camp commanders and their respective assignments
- IKL satellite camps, who is using their forced labour?
- The victims of the "Sonderaktion Krakau", 1939-11-06"
- All Theresienstadt inmates with the status of prominent prisoner
- All Ghettos
Network visualisations
- Employed in a concentration camp (connections between camps, generated by personel)
- Institutions signing responsible for concentration camps
- Satellite camps, who is using their work force?
Data integration
Zwangsarbeit 1939-1945. Erinnerungen und Geschichte: The ZWAR list
- https://tinyurl.com/22ulcak5 nach ZWAR-ID geordnete Tabelle mit GND und Wikidata-Nummern
- Map: all camps/prisons/labour battalions of the ZWAR research project