FactGrid:Network of the political and administrative elite of Hungary's communist era
According to the positional elite concept, the range of elite positions is determined by top-level decision-making competence, and the elite group consists of the person occupying the elite position. To understand the selection of elites in socialist systems, it is necessary to examine the political, economic, cultural fields, above all the levels of the management hierarchy and the relationships between the individual levels. The administrative structure of the era was characterized by the parallel operation of the governing bodies of the party and the state, and the duplication of individual management levels. At the level of formal hierarchies, we can see two independent systems, the party and the state administration, which were connected to each other on several threads. Moreover, the image of the communist political system cannot be complete without the hierarchy of mass organizations which in practice operated under the subordination of the party and the state. The leaders of the mass organizations were included in the dual hierarchy of the party-state through their other management functions or personal characteristics. Through the interconnected hierarchies, a more or less unified cadre elite was formed.
To build the archontological database, we first defined the range of relevant positions. In addition to party, state and mass organization leaders, we also included other positions in the investigation. The database includes positions at the top of the cultural and scientific sector: membership of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, university rectors and management positions of the most important public cultural bodies; church leadership positions, the diplomatic elite, as well as CEOs of large state-owned companies.
The database also contains the most important state awards and their recipients - our goal is to start creating an elite sample of reputation that differs from the positional approach.
FactGrid Research: A database of the political and administrative elite of Hungary's "post-war" and communist era
Contact: László Kiss
research fellow
HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest
Main lists
- Positions in the database
- Organisations in the database
- Organisational and name changes of higher education institutions in Hungary, 1945-1990
- Members of the Hungarian Academy of Science 1945.04-1990.05
- Members of the National Assembly of Hungary 1945.04-1990.05
- Members/deputy members of the Political Committee of the HWPP/HSWP
- Members/deputy members of the Political Committee according to the beginning of membership - timeline
- Members of the Secretariat of the HWPP/HSWP
- Members of the Secretariat of HWPP/HSWP according to the beginning of membership - timeline
- Members/deputy members of the Central Management/Committee of the HWPP/HSWP
- Leaders of Departments of the Central Management/Committee of HWPP/HSWP
- Members of Working Collectives of the HSWP
- Ministers of Hungary 1945.04-1990.05
- Leaders of government/state institutions of Hungary, 1945.04-1990.05
- Leaders of Regional/Municipal Government Organisations of Hungary, 1945.04-1990.05
- Leaders of Regional/Municipal Communist Party Organisations of Hungary, 1945.04-1990.05
- Diplomats of Hungary - ambassadors and consuls, 1945.04-1990.05
- Diplomats of Hungary - leaders of Foreign Trade Offices of Hungary, 1968-1990
- Leaders of Administration of Justice of Hungary, 1945.04-1990.05
- Leaders of prominent large companies and foreign trade companies 1945.04-1990.05
- Trade union leaders of Hungary 1945.04-1990.05
- Leaders of mass organisations of Hungary, 1945.04-1990.05
- Press leaders of Hungary, 1945.04-1990.05
- Leaders of Higher Education Institutions of Hungary, 1945.04-1990.05
- Leaders of cultural institutions of Hungary, 1945.04-1990.05
- Directors of theaters and varietés of Hungary, 1945-1990
Main statistics
- Gender ratio in the positional elite
- Gender ratio in the reputational elite
- Gender ratio among the members of the Hungarian Assembly, 1944-1990
- Gender ratio among the ministers of Hungary, 1945.04-1990.05
- Gender ratio among the members / deputy members of the Central Management/Committee of the HWPP/HSWP
- Gender ratio among the leaders of prominent large companies and foreign trade companies 1945.04-1990.05
- Gender ratio among the members of the Hungarian Academy Academy of Science 1945.04-1990.05
- Gender ratio among the recipients of state awards and titles, 1945-1990
- Gender ratio among the recipients of the Kossuth-prize,1948-1990
- Gender ratio among the recipients of the State Award of Hungary, 1963-1990
Members of the National Assembly of Hungary per parliamentary cycles
- Members of the Provisional National Assembly of Hungary, 1944-1945
- Members of the National Assembly of Hungary in the parliamentary term 1945-1947
- Members of the National Assembly of Hungary in the parliamentary term 1947-1949
- Members of the National Assembly of Hungary in the parliamentary term 1949-1953
- Members of the National Assembly of Hungary in the parliamentary term 1953-1958
- Members of the National Assembly of Hungary in the parliamentary term 1958-1962
- Members of the National Assembly of Hungary in the parliamentary term 1963-1967
- Members of the National Assembly of Hungary in the parliamentary term 1967-1971
- Members of the National Assembly of Hungary in the parliamentary term 1971-1975
- Members of the National Assembly of Hungary in the parliamentary term 1975-1980
- Members of the National Assembly of Hungary in the parliamentary term 1980-1985
- Members of the National Assembly of Hungary in the parliamentary term 1985-1990
- "Reputational elite" of the Hungarian People's Republic - Recipients of State Awards and Titles 1945.04-1990.05
- Recipients of state awards and titles among the members of the positional elite of Hungary 1945.04-1990.05
- Recipients of the Kossuth Prize in the National Assembly of Hungary
- Recipients of the State Award of the Hungarian People's Republic in the National Assembly of Hungary
- Women in the Positional Elite of Hungary 1945.04-1990.05
- Women in the Reputational Elite of Hungary 1945.04-1990.05
Family relationships
- Married couples - at least one of whom is a member of the positional elite
- Siblings - at least one of whom is a member of the positional elite
- Parents and their children - at least the mother or the father is member of the positional elite
- Brothers/sisters-in-law - at least one of whom is a member of the positional elite
- The birthplace of members of the National Assembly of Hungary, 1945.04-1990.05
- The birthplace of the members of the Hungarian Academie of Sciences, 1945.04-1990.05
- Places of death of the Hungarian Academie of Sciences, 1945.04-1990.05
- Network of the members of the National Assembly based on the administrative and political positions they hold - 1945.04-1990.05
- Network of the members of the Hungarian Academie of Sciences based on the administrative and political positions they hold - 1945.04-1990.05
- Network of church leaders based on the administrative and political positions they hold - 1945.04-1990.05
- Network of press leaders based on the administrative and political positions they hold - 1945.04-1990.05
- Network of trade union leaders based on the administrative and political positions they hold - 1945.04-1990.05
- Network of economic leaders based on the administrative and political positions they hold - 1945.04-1990.05
- Network of the members of the Hungarian Academie of Sciences based on their honors and awards
- Network of press leaders based on their honors and awards
- Network of theatre directors based on their honors and awards
- Network of church leaders based on their honors and awards
- Network of the members of the Provisional National Assembly based on their political orientation (party memberships)
- Network of the members of the National Assembly in the parliametary term 1945-1947 based on their political orientation (party memberships)
- Network of the members of the National Assembly in the parliametary term 1947-1949 based on their political orientation (party memberships)
- Network of the members of the National Assembly in the parliametary term 1949-1953 based on their political orientation (party memberships)
- Network of the members of the National Assembly in the parliametary term 1953-1958 based on their political orientation (party memberships)
- Network of the members of the National Assembly in the parliametary term 1958-1963 based on their political orientation (party memberships)
- Network of the members of the Political Committee based on their political orientation (party memberships)
- Network of the Secretariat of HWPP/HSWP based on their political orientation (party memberships)
- Network of the ministers of Hungary (1945-1990) based on their political orientation (party memberships)
Political trials
More resources, publications
- Kiss L. – Ring O.: A Kádár-korszak „arcai”. Magyar politikusok médiareprezentációja 1957 és 1989/90 között. Politikatudományi Szemle XXXI/4. 78–102. pp DOI: 10.30718/POLTUD.HU.2022.4.78