Friedrich Krug: Diarium der Frankfurter Raths-Wahlen ... oder chronologisches Verzeichnis aller Raths-Glieder vom 11. März 1727 an …, aus größtentheils handschriftlichen Quellen zusammengestellt, Nr. 109, Frankfurt am Main 1847 (Q175023)

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Chronological listing of all members of the Frankurter Rathes (with dates of life, day of their election and titles) - since the reorganization of the election regulations by Kugelung 1725 - from March 11, 1727 to November 17, 1845
Language Label Description Also known as
Friedrich Krug: Diarium der Frankfurter Raths-Wahlen ... oder chronologisches Verzeichnis aller Raths-Glieder vom 11. März 1727 an …, aus größtentheils handschriftlichen Quellen zusammengestellt, Nr. 109, Frankfurt am Main 1847
Chronological listing of all members of the Frankurter Rathes (with dates of life, day of their election and titles) - since the reorganization of the election regulations by Kugelung 1725 - from March 11, 1727 to November 17, 1845
