User:Matthias Erfurth/Boetticher
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- Malerwerke des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts : Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte, Item:Q537641
#title:Alle Personen im Factgrid, die im Boetticher gelistet sind SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?pData ?gender WHERE { ?item wdt:P124 wd:Q537641. ?item wdt:P77 ?bDate. ?item wdt:P38 ?sDate. ?item wdt:P154 ?gender SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } BIND(concat(STR(YEAR(?bDate)),"–",STR(YEAR(?sDate))) as ?pData) } ORDER BY ?itemLabel
#defaultView:Table # Prefixes PREFIX fg: <> PREFIX fgt: <> PREFIX wdt: <> PREFIX wd: <> PREFIX wikibase: <> PREFIX bd: <> PREFIX schema: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?fg_itemLabel ?wd_item ?fg_item_as_string where { # labels from Factgrid SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } # maybe filter to prevent timeout ?fg_item fgt:P165 fg:Q36783. # Convert Factgrid ID from IRI to string BIND(REPLACE(STR(?fg_item), "", "") as ?fg_item_as_string) # get those Items from Wikidata that have that corresponding Factgrid ID and listed in Boetticher SERVICE <> { ?wd_item wdt:P8168 ?fg_item_as_string. ?wd_item wdt:P1343 wd:Q72628185. } }