FactGrid:Remove NA: A LGBTIQ*-Knowledge Graph: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Gay and Lesbian Life]]
[[Category:Gay and Lesbian Life]]
[[Category:Katharina Brunner]]

Latest revision as of 11:25, 23 February 2024

About the project


This project is finished. Results, an essay and methodology are available on

- queerdata.forummuenchen.org/en in English

- queerdata.forummuenchen.org in German


The project "Remove NA" is about creating a knowledge graph on queer history. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Prototype Fund.

For a long time, queer history was rather ignored by large archives and hardly recorded in a structured way, especially not outside the narrative of perversion or criminalization. The self-organized archive Forum Queeres Archiv München e.V. has been documenting LGBTIQ* history for more than 20 years, providing queer context on people, organizations, events, places, points in time - so far mainly in analog space.

In the digital sphere, these contexts are still missing. I have therefore named my project Remove NA. The English abbreviation NA stands for "not available" and is used when information is not available.

Data on the history of non-heterosexual people is often NA and what Nigerian artist Mimi Onuoha calls "missing data": "Missing implies both a lack and a should: something is missing but should exist."

Data, information, and knowledge about queer history should exist. Only then can queer history become visible in the more complex, data-based algorithms that are increasingly part of our everyday lives. These technologies rely directly on sources such as Wikidata. If queer history is missing there, it will be missing in the applications that build on it and that we use.

Remove NA on Factgrid

A collection of SPARQL queries:








More ressources

PrototypeFund Logo.svg BMBF Logo.svg

Queries to get a grip on SPARQL

get all properties of an item

   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
   wd:Q406029 ?p ?o

Find all items containing "CSD" in the label

 # Uses FILTER and CONTAINS https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial#FILTER  
 SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?label  WHERE {
   ?item wdt:P131 wd:Q400012;
     rdfs:label ?label.
 FILTER((LANG(?label)) = "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]") # auto language, specify with "en", "de", etc.
 FILTER(CONTAINS(?label, "CSD")) # search string, can be extended to a regex see: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:SPARQL_tutorial#FILTER


Get book authors that are not human


 # get book authors that are not humans
 # but MINUS those items that have authors that are human
 # in other words: organiszational authors of any form
 SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?author WHERE {
   SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
   ?item wdt:P2 wd:Q394362;
     wdt:P131 wd:Q400012;
     wdt:P21 ?author.
   MINUS { ?author wdt:P2 wd:Q7. }

All items with their authors


Get Wikipedia Article from Wikibase Items

 PREFIX fgwd: <https://database.factgrid.de/entity/>
 PREFIX fgwds: <https://database.factgrid.de/entity/statement/>
 PREFIX fgwdv: <https://database.factgrid.de/value/>
 PREFIX fgwdt: <https://database.factgrid.de/prop/direct/>
 PREFIX fgp: <https://database.factgrid.de/prop/>
 PREFIX fgps: <https://database.factgrid.de/prop/statement/>
 PREFIX fgpq: <https://database.factgrid.de/prop/qualifier/>
 PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>
 PREFIX wd:  <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
 PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>
 SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?article WHERE {
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
   ?item fgwdt:P131 fgwd:Q400012 .
   ?article schema:about ?item .
   ?article schema:inLanguage "en" .
   ?article schema:isPartOf <https://en.wikipedia.org/>. 
  } Limit 10

Notes on Data Modeling

Hierarchical relations

Think of hierarchical relations between organisations. The default mode is to add the relation at the "smaller" item, e.g. the relation **must be** at the subsidiary and **can be** at the bigger one.

Authorship of books and posters

  • humans: as career statement
  • all non-humans: as field of engagement

Used Relations