Paratext (Q538509): Difference between revisions

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(‎Added [en] label: Paratext)
(‎Changed [ca] description: terme encunyat per Gérard Genette l'any 1987 per als elements de text que acompanyen un text i controlen la seva recepció, ja sigui com a mesura de l'autor o com a ingredient extern)
(10 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
label / frlabel / fr
label / eslabel / es
label / calabel / ca
description / dedescription / de
von Gérard Genette 1987 geprägter Begriff für Textelemente, die einen Text begleiten und seine Rezeption steuern, ob als Maßnahme des Autors oder fremde Zutat
description / endescription / en
term coined by Gérard Genette in 1987 for text elements that accompany a text and control its reception, whether as a measure by the author or as a foreign ingredient
description / frdescription / fr
terme inventé par Gérard Genette en 1987 pour les éléments textuels qui accompagnent un texte et contrôlent sa réception, que ce soit comme mesure par l'auteur ou comme ingrédient étranger
description / esdescription / es
término acuñado por Gérard Genette en 1987 para los elementos de texto que acompañan a un texto y controlan su recepción, ya sea como medida del autor o como ingrediente extranjero
description / cadescription / ca
terme encunyat per Gérard Genette l'any 1987 per als elements de text que acompanyen un text i controlen la seva recepció, ja sigui com a mesura de l'autor o com a ingredient extern
Property / Instance of
Property / Instance of: Field of genres / rank
Normal rank
Property / Subclass of
Property / Subclass of: Interlaced publication / rank
Normal rank

Latest revision as of 15:30, 6 December 2023

term coined by Gérard Genette in 1987 for text elements that accompany a text and control its reception, whether as a measure by the author or as a foreign ingredient
Language Label Description Also known as
term coined by Gérard Genette in 1987 for text elements that accompany a text and control its reception, whether as a measure by the author or as a foreign ingredient
