FactGrid talk:The Global Genealogy of Lodges

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FactGrid properties for all things masonic

This is a FactGrid search of all the properties that are in use for particular masonic statements. I am not quite sure whether they are well collected. Some might actually mean similar things, some might need a better description of their use.

Why is this work interesting? Basically to run complex queries on how lodges, systems, rights etc. are interconnected. If we will end up with 50,000 lodges (we are presently at 860) we will need good ideas of their connections.

This is a query of all the lodges with some of the information captured.

Stemma information

If we have documents on rites and degrees we can bring them into complex connections. That involves only two properties:

The complex thing is here the list of possible connections between two rites or degree texts. Basic statements will be

Item:Q11178 copy
Item:Q23317 translation into German
Item:Q23320 abridgment
Item:Q11182 extract
... see Property:P234 for more

We will need more statements to make more statements about how two texts are genetically interrelated. The perspective is always stemma upwards from the new version to the source. --Olaf Simons (talk) 14:17, 2 December 2019 (CET)

Wikimedia on Masonic Buildings

Wikidata folgt Wikipedia. Und dort haben Vereine eine schweren Stand, Logenhäuser als Denkmale gehen eher: Wiki likes Monuments. Die Verbindung läuft also oft über die Liegenschaft (Eigentum, Anschrift), siehe https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q8610826 --Martin Gollasch (talk) 09:47, 30 August 2019 (CEST)


Dear Joe, Andreas and others.

Andreas and Joe, you have both given me - structurally - very similar c. 1800 list to feed into FactGrid. Andreas's List has all 4296 Swedish Freemasons 1735-1800, Joe's list has 34+15 visitors of a single lodge. Both lists give the people top down and dates when they received ever higher degrees from left to right:

My question is: what items do we create for the degrees and how universal are they? This is FactGrid on the question of degrees we know of right now:

is this a list a mason would create?

Andreas gave me his wish for the Swedes to be presented in the Swedish Rite item Item:Q183726, We had a similar list for the Scottish Rite Item:Q99749 which I have now used for Joe's List (just 4° because I was not quite sure).

I can now ask FactGrid for all people of a certain degree. This is my List for all people with the "4° Secret Master Masonic degree" Item:Q145063

Weimar and Albany masons are here in the same list. Is the last list correct? Should they be in different lists? Is it correct that Andreas' Swedish 4° people are in their own list? I am not enough of a Masonic researcher to decide how we should organise these lists. --Olaf Simons (talk) 08:51, 20 November 2020 (CET)

Masonic systems

This list give you all the masonic systems

Here again I am at al loss. Andreas pleaded for separate items for the organisations and the systems - is it good to separate them? (Yes, in case a system is implemented by several organisations...) yet I feel this is not exactly a list Freemasons would create the same way. We have to teach FactGrid to give consistent lists... --Olaf Simons (talk) 08:51, 20 November 2020 (CET)

Stupid SPARQL searches

Strikte Observanz

User:Josef Wäges created an input of the members of the Strict Observance. I hesitate to feed that into FactGrid as I fear the double records hat might create. Maybe we can take a collective look at this - in the following Google Spreadsheet. If you can spot people who are already on FactGrid, use the blue column for the qids. (And we will have some work ahead of us, if we want to spot them all..) --Olaf Simons (talk) 20:31, 6 May 2021 (CEST)

User:Josef Wäges bereitete eine Eingabe alle Mitglieder der Strikten Observanz vor. Noch schrecke vor dem Import zurück, da der eine Menge von Dubletten erzeugen könnte - bei Schreibweisen der Namen aus dem 18. Jahrhundert. Ein gemeinschaftlicher Blick in die Liste wäre willkommen. Es genügt in der blauen Spalte die Q-Nummer einzugeben. Ich löste Abgekürzte Vornamen auf, kann da Fehler gemacht haben. Und ein gutes Stück Recherche käme mit diesen auf uns zu... --Olaf Simons (talk) 20:31, 6 May 2021 (CEST)