FactGrid:Print publications data model

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The Print Publications data model is the basic instruction for

  • printed materials from single sheets to books
  • multi volume publications
  • periodical and serial publications

Articles, advertisements etc. — published in a (self-standing) print publication

Individual articles published in a collective volume, journal or newspaper

You can open Items on any section of a publication — it might be an article in a journal or an advertisement in a news paper. State:

  1. instance of (P2) — print publication (Q20)
  2. type of publication (P144) — contribution to a publication (Q14238)
  3. published in (P64) — state here the publication in which this contribution appeared and qualify with page references
  4. genre standardised (P121) — to state what kind of contribution this is (article, advertisement, document...)

Archival documents published in books and journals

The model case ist here:

The two properties to connect the Items and the publications are here again published in (P64) on the side of the document and publishes (P254) to make the respective statement on the publication.

Editions of books

We are looking here at print publications, the entire edition with its specific print run — not at single copies nor at "works" like "Robinson Crusoe" or the "Iliad" as they appear in various editions and translations. Ay new edition edition, even if of the same design as the previous, should make a new Item in this group. Each of these Items should have the following statements:

  1. instance of P2Print publication (Q20)
  2. type of publication (P144) — book publication (Q10517)

External identifiers

If you are not interested in using the full load of bibliographic details in further searches, just state an external identifier into a data base that gives all further details. Good identifiers for early modern books are the ESTC, the VD catalogues, the STCN etc. Valuable general library identifiers are the PPN numbers or the ISBN.

Description, Segmentation, Collation


  1. translated by (P24)
  2. edited by (P176) — if someone is offering a new presentation of the text
  3. commissioned by (P273) — for the person or institution who commissioned a work
  4. subscribers (P275) — to state people who subscribed e.g. on a book publication (complete lists should be rather generated and linked)
  5. Qualifier number of sets ordered (542) — to state the number of copies ordered in a subscription
  6. place of publication (without fictitious information) (P241) — the place of publication to our best knowledge
  7. place of publication as misleadingly stated (P240) — e.g. "Cologne" or "Pampelune" in fictitious imprints
  8. Qualifier literal statement (P35) string input for the exact spelling
  9. date of publication according to imprint (P222) — The standard date as taken from a title page.
  10. precise date of publication (P96) — use this statement if you now the precise day, week or season of the publication
  11. Qualifier precision of date (P467) — to determination the exactness of the previous
  12. printed by (P207) — to name the company that printed a publication
  13. published by (P206) — the company or person that is known to have published the item
  14. publisher as misleadingly stated (P544) — e.g. Pierre Marteau, Cologne


  • genre standardised (P121) — to state what kind of Book this is (novel, monograph etc.)

Books with with various contributions

Model case:

Books with several volumes

There are strictly speaking two sorts of multivolume publications: Those that actually sold in different volumes, which could be bought separately and those that came as a single object which one could only buy in one pack.

  • Treat volumes that could be bought separately as individual publications with an item for each volume.
  • Treat volumes that could only be bought in one set as segments of the publication.

Books that appear in a series

Serial publications, periodicals

Newspapers, journals, term catalogues etc.

Separate between the newspaper or journal in its entire phase of existence (the topic of this section) and the specific instalment of a number in the series (treated under the headline Individual issues of a periodical|Individual issues of a periodical):

  1. instance of (P2) — Print publication (Q20)
  2. instance of (P2) — e.g. journal (Q10538) or newspaper (Q173699)
  3. type of publication (P144)
  4. Periodical (Q14231, if the publication promised to appear in set intervals (even if these intervals have changed over the years or only a first issue appeared)
  5. Serial publication (Q14233), if the publication was just set to be continued without an end in sight like the "term catalogues" of the book trade, or a series of books published an academic context.
  6. publishing interval (P292 — e.g. weekly, every Friday (Q40452), create items as you need them and note them on P2 as "intervals"
  7. begin (P49) — to state the starting point of the enterprise
  8. end (P50) — to state the end date of the enterprise


See the previous section on book publications.

Three roles have to be kept apart, although they can also coincide - state the same name wherever they do:

  1. editor (Property:P176) — the person(s) who collect the contributions and assume responsibility in the cooperation with the publisher.
  2. publisher (Property:P176) — the company which organises the printing ad distribution of the object
  3. author

Individual issues of a periodical

The individual issue of a journal or newspaper stands on one level with the Edition of a book treated above. State:

  1. instance of (P2) — print publication (Q20)
  2. type of publication (P143) — installment of a periodical publication (Q14232)
  3. published in (P64) — to state the journal or newspaper or series in whose series the issue appeared
  4. ' (


see above the section Articles, advertisements etc. — published in self standing print publications



Tracking the dispersion of publications

Subscription Schemes

Reconstructing Libraries: Naming the owners of copies