User:Daniel Mietchen/Notes

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This page assists me in exploring the FactGrid ecosystem and finding my way through it. I am particularly interested in people who have authored scholarly publications but about whom there is little or no information on Wikidata.

Sample entries to work on

Unidentified authors

People engaged in specific knowledge domains

Mathematicians and math students

Open questions

  • Not sure how the "D-" page system works. For instance,
    • Why does Q6591 redirect to D-Q6591 (instead of, say, Item:Q6591)?
    • D-Q6591 hosts data about Q6591, but does this mean that I should create a page D-Q470508 to host data about Q470508 or would that interfere with anything?
    • What is the deeper meaning behind the link for Q6591 being blue (indicating an existant wiki page) and the link for Q470508 being red (indicating a non-existant), when both essentially have their home in the item namespace, i.e. at Item:Q6591 and Item:Q470508, respectively?
    • If I have further information about Item:Q470508 that can not readily be expressed using existing FactGrid properties, should I put these on D-Q470508 or on Item talk:Q470508 or somewhere else?